Constructed wetlands for touristic activities

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

Constructed wetlands often result the best solution to treat wastewater generated from touristic activities. Indeed, this nature-based solution has high removal efficiencies, avoids the building od long sewer systems, and has a low environmental impact and an optimal landscaping.

High organic and nutrient load treatment
High pathogen removal
Simple construction and functioning
Simple maintenance
Low CAPEX in comparison to conventional technological solutions
No or almost negligible energy consumptions
Very low OPEX
No odour issues
Possibility to reuse the treated wastewater

Touristic activities - IRIDRA's solutions

Classical constructed wetlands

  • Constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HF)
  • Constructed wetlands with vertical subsurface flow (VF)
  • Hybrid constructed wetlands (HF + VF, HF + FWS, HF + VF + HF + FWS, VF + HF)

Intensified constructed wetlands (Constructed wetlands 2.0)

  • French reed bed (FRB)
  • Aerated constructed wetlands (FBA™)

Regarding wastewater treatment, the principal peculiarity of tourism facilities is the great variability of the presence of customers, with a consequent production of wastewater characterized by strong fluctuations during all the year: due to this fact, conventional depuration systems do not assure the necessary depurative efficiencies, bringing many problems of smell and digestion. Tourism facilities, moreover, are often situated in areas of great naturalistic interest, and so it is necessary to pay great attention to the management of effluents and to the environmental impact of the system.

Constructed wetlands present the necessary characteristics to satisfy all these aspects. Their application for treating wastewater of tourism facilities like agritourism, hotels, residences and campings, has given very good results, especially against conventional depuration systems. Phytodepuration, in fact, reacts very well to fluctuations of wastewater load and needs limited and not specialistic maintenance. This aspect allows the management and maintenance of the system directly by the tourism facility's owner, without the necessity of highly specialized personnel.

Since 2000, Iridra participates to an European project (SWAMP) that aims to the elaboration of natural depuration systems for treatment of wastewater produced by tourism facilities placed in isolated areas and by agritourism in rural areas of 10 to 1000 person, with techniques for utilization of treated water and a rational management of water resources: the realized plants inside the project have been monitored, and results of these surveying show the efficacy of constructed wetland systems in these situations.

utenze turistiche pentolinaturistici pentolina web

CW system serving the touristic village of HAPIMAG in Pentolina (Chiusdino - SI, Italy), designed by IRIDRA

turistici garelli web

CW for the Garelli shelter (Chiusa di Pesio - CN, Italy). Realization in mountain site (2000 m a.s.l.). Sited in an area of high naturalistic value (Natural Park of Marguerite). Nature-based solution realized under the Interreg project ALCOTRA

IRIDRA's projects

IRIDRA progetto per Rifugio Garelli,  Chiusa di Pesio (CN)

Podere Albergo, Pienza (SI)

Treated person equivalent : 44 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF

Year of realization : ongoing

The Podere Albergo facility, located in the municipality of Pienza, in the Borghetto area, has decided to equip itself with a constructed wetland system for the treatment of its effluents. The project therefore envisages the treatment of water assimilable to domestic water through an appropriate treatment with a constructed wetland system and discharge in sub-irrigation. The secondary treatment system selected during the executive design phase involves the construction of a single-stage CW system consisting of a horizontal submerged flow bed (SFS-h or HF) with an area of 135 m2, sized with the objective of achieving high efficiency in the removal of organic load and suspended solids.

IRIDRA progetto per Rifugio Garelli,  Chiusa di Pesio (CN)

Garelli shelter, Chiusa di Pesio (CN - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 30-85 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : FRB + HF

Peculiarity : Realization in mountain site (2000 m a.s.l.). Sited in an area of high naturalistic value (Natural Park of Marguerais). Nature-based solution realized under the Interreg project ALCOTRA

Year of realization : 2014

Iridra and the GWT French partner Sinbio are involved as subcontractors in a challenging EC Alcotra project located in the French and Italian Alps; 1 Sub-Alpine and 1 Alpine treatment wetlands will be designed, realised and monitored. For the Italian side IRIDRA has designed a treatment plant for mixed wastewater at the Garelli shelter (1970 m asl). The system is treating about 80 pe and is composed by 2 stages: French reed beds as first stage followed by horizontal flow CWs. At the moment we are still testing different local species both in the FRBs and in the HFs. The monitoring results for the summer 2014 will be presented soon.
The tested species in the beds are: Carex rostrata, Deschampsia cespitosa, Juncus alpinoarticulatus, Juncus filiformis, Epilobium angustifolium, Caltha palustris.
IRIDRA progetto per Hotel Relais Certosa, Firenze (FI)

Hotel Relais Certosa, Firenze (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 140 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF + VF

Peculiarity : Nature-based solution realized under the European funded project SWAMP

Year of realization : 2001

The “Relais Certosa” hotel is located in Florence, Italy. There were no sewer systems close to the facility, so it was necessary to adopt a local treatment system. Due to the need of reusing effluent water for irrigation, we have chosen a full process scheme to treat the wastewater with a horizontal flow constructed wetland system followed by two parallel vertical beds and finally a collecting tank, which turned out to be a very efficient combined process scheme.
The plant, which was constructed in 2003, is a part of the FP5 demonstration project co-financed by the European Community SWAMP ( Sustainable Water Management and Water Purificaton in Tourism Facilities) that started in 2001. The goal of the SWAMP project is to implement efficient and sustainable constructed wetland treatments of wastewater for tourism facilities in isolated places and rural areas with 10 to 1000 person equivalent, enhancing the reuse of treated water and a rationale management of water resource.
IRIDRA progetto per Agriturismo

Agritourism "Fattoria Baggiolino", Scandicci (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 30 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF

Peculiarity : Nature-based solution realized under the European funded project SWAMP

Year of realization : 2002

Baggiolino, Firenze, Agriturismo (Tourism Farm). 5-35 PE, 2001
IRIDRA progetto per Campeggio

"La Cava" camping, Poppi (AR - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 80 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF

Peculiarity : Nature-based solution realized under the European funded project SWAMP

Year of realization : 2004

The camping site "La Cava" is located in the countryside near Poppi, a small city in the province of Arezzo. The plant is a part of the FP5 demonstration project co-financed by the European Community SWAMP ( Sustainable Water Management and Water Purificaton in Tourism Facilities ) whose goal is to implement efficient and sustainable constructed wetland treatments of wastewater for tourism facilities in isolated places and rural areas with 10 to 1000 person equivalent, enhancing the reuse of treated water and a rationale management of water resource. As there is no sewer system close to the facility, the constructed wetland (HF typology) has been conceived to treat wastewater from 80 PE. Water saving devices would mainly include waterless devices and treated wastewater would be reused for irrigation of the green area.
IRIDRA progetto per Agriturismo e ristorante in località Moscheta, Firenzuola (FI)

Agritourism and restourant in Moscheta, Firenzuola (FI - Italy)

Users : 30 beds, 300 covers

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF

Year of realization  : 1999

IRIDRA progetto per Villaggio turistico HAPIMAG di Pentolina, Chiusdino (SI)

Touristic village HAPIMAG in Pentolina, Chiusdino (SI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 500 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF + VF

Year of realization : 2011-2012

In 1998, IRIDRA managed a project of constructed wetland at the tourism resort of Pentolina, in the Municipality of Chiusdino, Province of Siena. This plant is a tertiary treatment system for the effluent of a total oxydation plant (with forced oxygen) designed for 500 P.E. The constructed wetland system is composed of one horizontal subsurface flow basin of 550 m 2 . The system is characterized by a strong fluctuation of the number of users, that periodically changes from a few units during winter (10-15 P.E.) to 500 P.E. during summer.Monitoring of the plant is conducted by IRIDRA group in collaboration with ARPAT Department of Prato. The plant will be replaced in 2011 by a new SFS-h + SFS-v system.
IRIDRA progetto per Complesso turistico centrale dell'Isola di Polvese (PG)

Touristic centre in Isola di Polvese (PG - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 90 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF + VF

Year of realization : 1999

In 1999, IRIDRA managed a project of constructed wetland for wastewater treatment in the Central Touristic Complex Isle of Polvese.
Currently the wastewater of the central Touristic Complex (restaurant, forestry, reunion hall) of Polvese Island is treated by a constructed wetland system with horizontal subsurface flow (SFS-h + SFS-v with recycling). The SFS-h plant is in good conditions; monitoring of the effluents has demonstrate that the plant has a very good efficiency in relation to organic components, suspended solids, Phosphorus.
IRIDRA progetto per Rifugio

"Segheria Abetina Reale" shelter (BO - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 40-100 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : VF

Peculiarità : Sited in an area of high naturalistic value (Gigante Park). Nature-based solution realized under the European funded project SWAMP

Year of realization : 2002

The "Rifugio dell'Abetina Reale" mountain shelter is located inside a natural park (Parco del Gigante) in the Appennines, between Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Drinking water is available from an all year water-rich stream close to the shelter. There are no volume-related costs for water consumption until now. Until 2003 all wastewaters were discharged into the same stream after primary treatment by a small Imhoff tank. Sea level: 1410 m Season: April - October (easy access only possible when road is free of snow) Capacity: accommodation: 70 beds restaurant: 60 places for three times per day during week-ends, permanent staff: 6 persons Water consumption maximum 7,4 m3/d average 3,0 m3/d minimum 2,0 m3/d Wastewater production: 40-100 p.e. approx In order to balance the weekly variations in wastewater production and to minimize the treatment area in the RBTS (VF CWs), we have placed a buffer tank after a new primary treatment (septic) tank and then a pumping system that feeds two parallel Vertical Flow beds. Some results of the monitoring performed in the commissioning period are available here.
In August 2012 the local population has shown appreciation for the almost 10 years of good performances of the treatment system and the Dolo River seems to be much happier 🙂
IRIDRA progetto perComplesso per ricevimenti

Wedding facility "Luna Nuova", Sternatia (LE - Italy)

Treated person equivalent : 143 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution : HF + VF + HF + FWS

Year of realization : 2004

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

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