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CARDIMED (Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the MEDiterranean region) is a project funded by the Horizon Europe Programme focused on boosting Mediterranean climate resilience through widespread adoption of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) across regions and communities.

CARDIMED uses technology to make it easier for people to collect and share data about Nature-based Solutions and Climate Resilience. Digital tools allow citizens to get involved and learn more. The project objective is to instigate systemic transformations in Climate Resilience in the MED Region, by unifying and mainstreaming all initiatives addressing climate adaptation and mitigation through NBS and other engineered infrastructure. 51 partners work on the project, that will be implemented across 9 demonstration sites, composed of 10 regions, 20 locations and 28 communities, comprising 47 NBS that directly relate to over 80 interventions and supporting units that tackle climate change and circularity challenges. CARDIMED is funded by the Horizon Europe programme under the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission, grant agreement No.101112731.

IRIDRA is the leader of the Sicilian Demo site, where it will design SuDS in the Comune di Catania (partner) in collaboration with the Università di Catania, and will continue the monitoring of the greenwall for greywater treatment and reuse of Ferla, in collaboration with Svimed Centro Euromediterraneo per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. IRIDRA also contributes to the design of NbS at other demonstration sites in Greece.

More info about the project:

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