Riviste peer review

Le riviste peer review rappresentano il livello più alto e più tecnico nella disseminazione della ricerca scientifica. Difatti, per pubblicare su tali riviste i lavori degli autori vengono valutati da un gruppo di esperti del settore d'interesse (peer review - da 2 a 5 a seconda delle riviste), coordinati da uno degli editori della rivista. In altre parole, gli autori mettono "alla prova" la bontà scientifica e l'interesse del proprio lavoro di fronte a esperti qualificati del settore, tipicamente professori universitari o ricercatori.

Con più di 50 pubblicazioni su riviste peer review, IRIDRA, fin dagli inizi della sua attività, ha avuto l'interesse a far valutare la bontà della propria attività di ricerca dai massimi esperti del settore. In tal modo, IRIDRA ha potuto garantire ai propri clienti la capacità di mettere a disposizione le tecniche più innovative accettate dalla Comunità Scientifica e allo stesso tempo ha mantenuto un ruolo di eccellenza sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Numerosi sono gli articoli pubblicati da membri dello staff di IRIDRA su due delle riviste di maggior rilievo nel settore delle soluzioni basate sulla natura (NBS - Nature-based solutions), della fitodepurazione e della gestione sostenibile delle acque, cioè Ecological Engineering e Water Science & Technology.

In grassetto sono evidenziati gli autori dello staff IRIDRA.

  1. Obeidat, N., Abu Awwad, A., Al-Salaymeh, A., Bresciani, R., Masi, F., Rizzo, A., AlBtoosh, J. and Zoubi, M.M., 2025. Ground-Based Green Façade for Enhanced Greywater Treatment and Sustainable Water Management. Water, 17(3), p.346.
  2. Lippera, M.C., Khurelbaatar, G., Despot, D., Kouyi, G.L., Rizzo, A. and Friesen, J., 2025. Spatial-economic scenarios to increase resilience to urban flooding. Water Research X, p.100284.
  3. Majumder, A., Otter, P., Röher, D., Bhatnagar, A., Khalil, N., Gupta, A.K., Bresciani, R. and Arias, C.A., 2024. Combination of advanced biological systems and photocatalysis for the treatment of real hospital wastewater spiked with carbamazepine: A pilot-scale study. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, p.119672.
  4. Seintos, T., Koukoura, A., Statiris, E., Noutsopoulos, C., Mamais, D., Μasi, F., Prado, O., Rizzo, A., Bartroli, A., Stasinakis, A.S. and Malamis, S., 2024. Long-term operation of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor coupled with a two-stage constructed wetland for domestic wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, p.157216.
  5. Sarti, C., Cincinelli, A., Bresciani, R., Rizzo, A., Chelazzi, D. and Masi, F., 2024. Microplastic removal and risk assessment framework in a constructed wetland for the treatment of combined sewer overflows. Science of The Total Environment, p.175864.
  6. Koukoura, A., Seintos, T., Statiris, E., Barka, E., Gatidou, G., Noutsopoulos, C., Malamis, S., Mamais, D., Masi, F., Rizzo, A. and Fountoulakis, M.S., 2024. Comparing the performance of microbial electrochemical assisted and aerated treatment wetlands in pilot-scale: Removal of major pollutants and organic micropollutants. Science of The Total Environment, p.175550.
  7. Zanini, S.F., de Carli, A., Rizzo, A., Conte, G. and Masi, F., 2024. Monetization of Ecosystem Services from Nature-Based Solutions for Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Control: Simplified Value Transfer Method at European Scale. Water, 16(6), p.898.
  8. Stefanatou, A., Markoulatou, E., Koukmenidis, I., Vouzi, L., Petousi, I., Stasinakis, A.S., Rizzo, A., Masi, F., Akriotis, T. and Fountoulakis, M.S., 2024. Use of ornamental plants in floating treatment wetlands for greywater treatment in urban areas. Science of The Total Environment, 912, p.169448.
  9. Acuña, V., Castañares, L., Castellar, J., Comas, J., Cross, K., Istenic, D., Masi, F., McDonald, R., Pucher, B., Pueyo-Ros, J. and Riu, A., Rizzo A., Riva M., Tondera K., Corominas L. 2023. Development of a decision-support system to select nature-based solutions for domestic wastewater treatment. Blue-Green Systems, p.bgs2023005.
  10. Masi, F., Sarti, C., Cincinelli, A., Bresciani, R., Martinuzzi, N., Bernasconi, M., Rizzo, A. 2023. Constructed wetlands for the treatment of combined sewer overflow upstream of centralized wastewater treatment plants. Ecological Engineering, vol., 193, p.107008.
  11. Stefanatou, A., Schiza, S., Petousi, I., Rizzo, A., Masi, F., Stasinakis, A.S., Fyllas, N. and Fountoulakis, M.S., 2023. Use of climbing and ornamental plants in vertical flow constructed wetlands treating greywater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 53, p.103832.
  12. Costamagna, E., Caruso, A., Galvão, A., Rizzo, A., Masi, F., Fiore, S., Boano, F, 2023. Impact of Biochar and Graphene as Additives on the Treatment Performances of a Green Wall Fed with Greywater. Water, 15(1), 195.
  13. Rizzo, A.,Sarti, C., Nardini, A., Conte, G., Masi, F., Pistocchi, A., 2023. Nature-based solutions for nutrient pollution control in European agricultural regions: A literature review. Ecol. Eng. 186, p. 106772
  14. Pistocchi, A., Parravicini, V., Langergraber, G. and Masi, F., 2022. How Many Small Agglomerations Do Exist in the European Union, and How Should We Treat Their Wastewater?. Water Air Soil Pollut 233, 431
  15. D'Ambrosio, R., Balbo, A., Longobardi, A. and Rizzo, A., 2022. Re-think urban drainage following a SuDS retrofitting approach against urban flooding: A modelling investigation for an Italian case study. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, p.127518.
  16. Carvalho, P.N., Finger, D.C., Masi, F., Cipolletta, G., Oral, H.V., Tóth, A., Regelsberger, M. and Exposito, A., 2022. Nature-based solutions addressing the water-energy-food nexus: Review of theoretical concepts and urban case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.130652.
  17. Masi, F., Rivai, K., Rizzo, A. and Bresciani, R., 2021. Economia circolare nel ciclo delle acque e sicurezza: l'esperimento di Lesbo nel progetto HYDROUSA. Reticula, 28, pp. 167-175.
  18. D'Ambrosio, R., Longobardi, A., Balbo, A. and Rizzo, A., 2021. Hybrid Approach for Excess Stormwater Management: Combining Decentralized and Centralized Strategies for the Enhancement of Urban Flooding Resilience. Water, 13(24), p.3635.
  19. Oral, H.V., Radinja, M., Rizzo, A., Kearney, K., Andersen, T.R., Krzeminski, P., Buttiglieri, G., Ayral-Cinar, D., Comas, J., Gajewska, M. and Hartl, M., ..., P. N. Carvalho 2021. Management of Urban Waters with Nature-Based Solutions in Circular Cities—Exemplified through Seven Urban Circularity Challenges. Water, 13(23), p.3334.
  20. Boano, F., Costamagna, E., Caruso, A., Fiore, S., Chiappero, M., Galvão, A., Pisoeiro, J., Rizzo, A. and Masi, F., 2021. Evaluation of the influence of filter medium composition on treatment performances in an open-air green wall fed with greywater. Journal of environmental management, 300, p. 113646.
  21. Gunes, K., Masi, F., Ayaz, S., Tuncsiper, B., Besiktas, M. 2021. Domestic wastewater and surface runoff treatment implementations by constructed wetlands for Turkey: 25 years of experience. Ecological Engineering, vol., 170, p.106369.
  22. Nardini, A.G.C. & Conte, G., 2021. River Management & Restoration: What River Do We Wish for. Water, 13(10), p.1336.
  23. Rizzo, A.; Conte, G.; Masi, F. Adjusted Unit Value Transfer as a Tool for Raising Awareness on Ecosystem Services Provided by Constructed Wetlands for Water Pollution Control: An Italian Case Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1531.
  24. Boano, F., Caruso, A., Costamagna, E., Fiore, S., Demichelis, F., Galvão, A., Pisoeiro, J., Rizzo, A. and Masi, F., 2020. Assessment of the Treatment Performance of an Open-Air Green Wall Fed with Graywater under Winter Conditions. ACS ES&T Water.
  25. D'Ambrosio, R., Rizzo, A., Balbo, A., Longobardi, A., 2020. Assessing the Performance of SuDS in the Mitigation of Urban Flooding: The Industrial Area of Sesto Ulteriano (MI). Proceedings 2020, 48(1), 5.
  26. Rizzo, A., Tondera, K., Pálfy, T.G., Dittmer, U., Meyer, D., Schreiber, C., Zacharias, N., Ruppelt, J.P., Esser, D., Molle, P., Troesch, S., Masi, F. 2020. Constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow treatment: A state-of-the-art review. Science of The Total Environment, p.138618.
  27. Oral, H.V., Carvalho, P., Gajewska, M., Ursino, N., Masi, F., Hullebusch, E.D.V., Kazak, J.K., Exposito, A., Cipolletta, G., Andersen, T.R. and Finger, D.C., ... Rizzo A.; ...Zimmermann M. 2020. A review of nature-based solutions for urban water management in European circular cities: a critical assessment based on case studies and literature. Blue-Green Systems, 2(1), pp.112-136.
  28. Boano, F., Caruso, A., Costamagna, E., Ridolfi, L., Fiore, S., Demichelis, F., Galvão, A., Pisoeiro, J., Rizzo, A. and Masi, F., 2020. A review of nature-based solutions for greywater treatment: applications, hydraulic design, and environmental benefits. Science of The Total Environment, p.134731.
  29. Rizzo, A., Bresciani, R., Martinuzzi, N. and Masi, F., 2020. Online Monitoring of a Long-Term Full-Scale Constructed Wetland for the Treatment of Winery Wastewater in Italy. Applied Sciences, 10(2), p.555.
  30. Masi, F., Rizzo, A., Bresciani, R., Martinuzzi, N., Wallace, S.D., Van Oirschot, D., Macor, F., Rossini, T., Fornaroli, R. and Mezzanotte, V., 2019. Lessons learnt from a pilot study on residual dye removal by an aerated treatment wetland. Science of The Total Environment, 648C, pp. 144-152.
  31. Kasprzyk, M., Obarska-Pempkowiak, H., Masi, F. and Gajewska, M., 2018. Possibilities of Phoslock® application to remove phosphorus compounds from wastewater treated in hybrid wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 122, pp. 84-90.
  32. Senduran, C., Gunes, K., Topaloglu, D., Dede, O.H., Masi, F. and Kucukosmanoglu, O.A., 2018. Mitigation and treatment of pollutants from railway and highway runoff by pocket wetland system; A case study. Chemosphere, 204, 335-343.
  33. Masi, F., Rizzo, A. and Regelsberger, M., 2018. The role of constructed wetlands in a new circular economy, resource oriented, and ecosystem services paradigm. Journal of environmental management, 216, pp. 275-284.
  34. Rizzo, A., Bresciani, R., Masi, F., Boano, F., Revelli, R. and Ridolfi, L., 2018. Flood reduction as an ecosystem service of constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow. Journal of Hydrology, 560, pp. 150-159.
  35. Rizzo, A., Bresciani, R., Martinuzzi, N. and Masi, F., 2018. French Reed Bed as a Solution to Minimize the Operational and Maintenance Costs of Wastewater Treatment from a Small Settlement: An Italian Example. Water, 10(2), p.156.
  36. Barton, D.N., Kelemen, E., Dick, J., Martin-Lopez, B., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Jacobs, S., Hendriks, C.M.A., Termansen, M., García-Llorente, M., Primmer, E., ... Masi, F., ... and Dunford, R., 2018. (Dis) integrated valuation–Assessing the information gaps in ecosystem service appraisals for governance support. Ecosystem Services, 29, pp. 529-541.
  37. Dunford, R., Harrison, P., Smith, A., Dick, J., Barton, D.N., Martin-Lopez, B., Kelemen, E., Jacobs, S., Saarikoski, H., Turkelboom, F., Verheyden, W., ..., Conte, G., ..., and Yli-Pelkonen V. 2018. Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: experiences from real world situations. Ecosystem Services, 29, pp. 499-514.
  38. Conte, G. and Rizzo, A., Previsione degli effetti sull'ecosistema fluviale delle opere di riduzione del rischio idrogeologico: una ipotesi metodologica basata sull'Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale. Biologia Ambientale, 31, pp. 289-294.
  39. Langergraber, G. and Masi, F., 2017. Treatment wetlands in decentralised approaches for linking sanitation to energy and food security. Water Science and Technology, p.wst2017599.
  40. Boano, F., Rizzo, A., Samsó, R., García, J., Revelli, R. and Ridolfi, L., 2018. Changes in bacteria composition and efficiency of constructed wetlands under sustained overloads: A modeling experiment. The Science of the Total Environment, 612, p.1480-1487.
  41. Masi, F., Bresciani, R., Martinuzzi, N., Cigarini, G. and Rizzo, A., 2017. Large scale application of French reed beds: municipal wastewater treatment for a 20,000 inhabitants town in Moldova. Water Science and Technology, 76, 1, 68-78, 2017.
  42. Masi, F., Rizzo, A., Martinuzzi, N., Wallace, S.D., Van Oirschot, D., Salazzari, P., Meers, E. and Bresciani, R., 2017. Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket and aerated constructed wetlands for swine wastewater treatment: a pilot study. Water Science and Technology, 76, 1, 134-146, 2017.
  43. Masi, F., Bresciani R., Rizzo A., Conte G. Constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow treatment: Ecosystem services at Gorla Maggiore, Italy. Ecological Engineering. Volume 98, January 2017, Pages 427–438
  44. Liquete, C., Udias, A., Conte, G., Grizzetti, B. and Masi, F., 2016. Integrated valuation of a nature-based solution for water pollution control. Highlighting hidden benefits. Ecosystem Services, 22, pp.392-401.
  45. Masi, F., Bresciani, R., Rizzo, A., Edathoot, A., Patwardhan, N., Panse, D. and Langergraber, G. Green walls for greywater treatment and recycling in dense urban areas: a case-study in Pune. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 6 (2) 342-347, 2016.
  46. Rizzo, A. and Langergraber, G.. Novel insights on the response of horizontal flow constructed wetlands to sudden changes of influent organic load: A modeling study. Ecological Engineering, 93, pp.242-249, 2016.
  47. Meyer, D., Chazarenc, F., Claveau-Mallet, D., Dittmer, U., Forquet, N., Molle, P., Morvannou, A., Pálfy, T., Petitjean, A., Rizzo, A. and Campà, R.S., . Modelling constructed wetlands: Scopes and aims–a comparative review. Ecological Engineering, 80, pp.205-213, 2015.
  48. Masi, F., Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands—Eco-engineering Systems for Wastewater and Sludge Treatment, Ecological Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.06.039, 2015.
  49. Gunes K., Tuncsiper B., Drizo A., Masi, F., Ayaz S., Tufekci H., Constructed and riverine wetlands design considerations for domestic and agricultural diffuse pollution treatment - a case study from Turkey. Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1048534, 2015.
  50. Wu S., Wallace S., Brix H., Kuschk P., Kipkemoi Kirui W., Masi, F., Dong R., Treatment of industrial effluents in constructed wetlands: Challenges, operational strategies and overall performance, Environmental Pollution, 201, 107–120, 2015.
  51. Masi, F., Rochereau J., Troesch S., Ruiz I., Soto M., Wineries wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands: a review, Water Science & Technology, 71, 8, 1113-1127, 2015.
  52. Masi, F., Bresciani R., Munz G., Lubello C., Evaporation-Condensation of Olive Mill Wastewater: comparison of condensate treatment by SBR and Constructed Wetlands, Ecological Engineering, 80, 156-161, 2015.
  53. Rizzo, A., Langergraber, G., Galvão, A., Boano, F., Revelli, R. and Ridolfi, L., 2014. Modelling the response of laboratory horizontal flow constructed wetlands to unsteady organic loads with HYDRUS-CWM1. Ecological Engineering, 68, pp.209-213.
  54. Gajewska M., Jóźwiakowski K., Ghrabi A., Masi, F., Impact of Influent Wastewater Quality on Nitrogen Removal Rates in Multistage Treatment Wetlands, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10/2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3647-4.
  55. Gunes K., Oktar B., Ayaz S., Gunay A. S., Ozden G., Disbudak K., Senduran C., Dikerler T., Metin E., Masi, F., Kaya B., Turkben L., Tuncsiper B., Large scale constructed wetland implementation projects in Turkey in salt lake special environmental protection area. Desalination and Water Treatment, 5, 1-10, 2013. DOI:10.1080/19443994.2013.791779.
  56. Masi, F., Caffaz S. and Ghrabi A., ”Multi-stage constructed wetlands systems for municipal wastewater treatment”, Water Science & Technology, 67, 7, 1590-1598, 2013.
  57. La Notte A., Maes J., Thieu V., Bouraoui F., Masi, F.. Biophysical assessment and monetary valuation of ecosystem services. Scenario analysis for the case of water purification in Europe. 01/2013; DOI:10.2788/72082 Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN: 987-92-79-27799-3.
  58. Meyer D., Molle P., Esser D., Troesch S., Masi, F., Dittmer U. Constructed Wetlands for Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment—Comparison of German, French and Italian Approaches. Water.; 5(1):1-12, 2013.
  59. Conte G., Bolognesi A., Bragalli C., Branchini S., De Carli A., Lenzi C., Masi, F., Massarutto A., Pollastri M. and Principi I. “Innovative Urban Water Management as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: Results from the Implementation of the Project “Water Against Climate Change (WATACLIC)” . Water, 4(4), 1025-1038; 2012.
  60. Gunes K., Tuncsiper B., Masi, F., Ayaz S., Leszczynska D., Fındık Hecan N. and Ahmad H., “Construction and maintenance cost analyzing of constructed wetland systems”, Water Practice & Technology, vol 6 n 3, doi:10.2166/wpt.2011.043., 2011.
  61. Ghrabi A., Bousselmi L., Masi, F., Regelsberger M., “Constructed wetland as a low cost and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment adapted to rural settlements: the Chorfech wastewater treatment pilot plant”, Water Science & Technology, 63, 12, 3006-3012, 2011.
  62. Masi, F., El Hamouri B., Abdel Shafi H., Baban A., Ghrabi A., Regelsberger M. “Segregated black/grey domestic wastewater treatment by Constructed Wetlands in the Mediterranean basin: the Zer0-m experience”, Water Science & Technology, 61, 1, 97-105, 2010. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.780.
  63. Scheumann R., Masi, F., El Hamouri B., Kraume M., “Greywater treatment as an option for effective wastewater management in small communities”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 4, 33–39, 2009.
  64. Masi, F., “Water reuse and resources recovery: the role of Constructed Wetlands in the Ecosan approach”, Desalination, Vol. 246, pp. 27-34, 2009.
  65. Masi, F., “Constructed wetlands for decentralized wastewater treatment”. Water, Waste and Environmental Research, Vol. 7, N°1-2, pp: 25-38, 2007.
  66. Masi, F., Martinuzzi N., Bresciani R., Giovannelli L. and Conte G., “Tolerance to hydraulic and organic load fluctuations in constructed wetlands”. Water Science & Technology, 56, 3, 39-48, 2007.
  67. Masi, F. and Martinuzzi N., “Constructed Wetlands for the Mediterranean countries: hybrid systems for water reuse and sustainable sanitation”, Desalination, Vol. 215, pp. 44-55, 2007.
  68. Conte G., Martinuzzi N., Giovannelli L., Pucci B., Masi, F. “Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in central Italy”, Water Science & Technology, vol. 44, n. 11-12 , 339-343, 2001.
  69. Lepri L., Masi, F., Del Bubba M., Cini R., Udisti R., “Particle size distribution of organic compounds in aqueous aerosols collected from above sewage aeration tanks”, Aerosol Science & Technology, vol. 32, n. 5, 404-412, 2000.
  70. Masi, F., Martinuzzi N., Loiselle S., Peruzzi P., Bacci M., “The tertiary treatment pilot plant of Publiser (Florence - Tuscany): a multistage experience”, Water Science & Technology, vol. 40, n. 3, 195-202, 1999.
  71. Masi, F., Lepri L., Del Bubba M., Sacco C., Lo Nostro A., Comodo N., "Organic chemicals and microbial facies of liquid aerosols from a wastewater treatment plant", Annali di Chimica, 89, 231-248, 1999.
  72. Lepri L., Del Bubba M., Masi, F., "Reversed phase planar chromatography of enantiomeric compounds on microcrystalline cellulose triacetate (MCTA)", Journal of Planar Chromatography, 10, 108-113, 1997.
  73. Lepri L., Desideri P.G., Cini R., Masi, F., van Erk M.S., “Transport of organochlorine pesticides across the air/sea interface during the aerosol process”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 317, 149-160, 1995.
  74. Desideri P.G., Lepri L., Checchini L., Santianni D., Masi, F., Bao M., “Organic compounds in Antarctic sea-water and pack-ice”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 61, 319-330, 1995.
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